PRE Faculty FAQs

Select a question below to view response.

I'm concerned about a student. What can I do now?

  • If you believe this is an emergency, please contact FSU Police Department at (850) 644-1234.
  • If this is not an emergency and your concern is related to one of the academic concerns below, see information on how to submit a referral here.
    • Class attendance/participation
    • Financial concerns
    • Missing/Late assignments
    • Needs general study skills assistance
    • Poor assignment/test grade
    • At risk to fail course (please explain)
  • If this is not an emergency and not an academic concern, use

How do faculty submit PRE program referrals?

See information on how to submit a referral here.

I’m a staff member. Can I also submit referrals?

Yes, staff members can also refer students to the PRE program. See information on how to submit a referral here.

Can faculty/staff communicate with PRE program staff about student academic progress?

Yes. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) explicitly allows university officials the right to share data with other university officials, without the student’s permission, when there is legitimate educational interest, e.g., performing their official job functions. The PRE program was developed with the support of the Office of the Provost and Executive President for Academic Affairs to provide support to students pursuing their educational goals. For more information about FERPA from a faculty/staff perspective, see this web page.

Students have a right to refuse contact from PRE program staff. We inform students of their agency in the syllabus statement, classroom presentations, and correspondence with students. In addition, only program staff who have signed the FSU Confidentiality Agreement and received training and monitored access to student records will review PRE data from instructors.

Besides PRE staff, is there anybody else with access to referral content from faculty/staff?

At this time, only designated staff have access to the referral content. However, students may request this information through a formal public records request.

How can I help my students be more proactive with their classroom learning?

There is a wealth of advice to faculty for helping students learn. Here’s just a brief list of ideas that you can implement right now.

  • Work with FSU’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching
  • Offer a clear idea on how to best learn the class content. How much out-of-classroom studying do you expect? What are your expectations for their attendance? How do you think they should be studying?
  • Provide information about academic assistance for your subject area outside of yours or TAs’ office hours.
  • After each major assignment, reach out to students who score in the lowest quartile and offer assistance. Sometimes a supportive email can encourage a student to get the help they need to learn.
  • Contact Dr. Samantha Tackett,, to request a course design/student support consultation.

Does this program actually work?

Yes! Research on similar programs at other institutions indicates that they can improve student success. An estimated 93% of postsecondary institutions have programs like PRE, often called “early alert” or “early warning,” (Barefoot, Griffin, & Koch, 2012). Students who receive help as a result of a referral tend to have higher end-of-course grades and are more likely to be in good academic standing compared to peers that did not receive help as a result of a referral (Tampke & Flanders, n.d.; Tampke, 2009; Tampke, 2012).


What do Academic Success Mentors do?

If your student(s) is responsive to our outreach, then we'll meet with them individually and/or connect them with additional appropriate campus services. ASMs focus on supporting your students' academic and personal successes by discussing students' personal situations and connecting them with additional campus services (e.g., course content-specific help, drop/withdraw processes, financial services, general academic/personal strategies, mental health services). 

In the individual meetings with your student(s), the ASM can discuss a wide-range of personal and academic success topics such as: time management, stress/anxiety management, study/learning strategies, motivation strategies, and techniques to address procrastination.

If there is a course-specific or content-specific question that is beyond their knowledge, the ASM will connect your student with one of ACE's course-specific tutors and sessions (and your within-course resources). Students can use the ASM appointment links to access both in-person and Zoom meeting options for Sun- Fri, between 10am and 8pm.

Why would a student meet with an Academic Success Mentor?

Students meet with an ASM to receive personalized information and support for their individual situations. In the individual meetings with your student(s), the ASM can discuss a wide-range of personal and academic success topics (e.g., time management, stress/anxiety management, study/learning strategies, motivation strategies, and techniques to address procrastination) and connect your student(s) with additional campus services (e.g., course content-specific help, drop/withdraw processes, financial services, general academic/personal strategies, mental health services). 

In our outreach, we provide ASM appointment links to access both in-person and Zoom meeting options for Sun- Fri, between 10am and 8pm.