High School Dual Enrollment (HSDE) applications for the Summer and Fall 2025 semesters are now available. Use this link to fill out an application. If you have any questions, please email ace@fsu.edu or call 850-645-0852.
February 8 | Last possible date to take the ACT test for HSDE at FSU in Summer/Fall 2025. |
March 8 | Last possible date to take the SAT test for HSDE at FSU in Summer/Fall 2025. |
February 24 | 4:00pm Virtual Information Session for students/families - register in advance |
February 24 - April 24 | Students must meet with HS counselor for approval. School counselors will submit the online approval form to ACE and provide students with the HSDE Online Application password. |
February 26 | The online HSDE Student Application opens on the ACE website. |
March 20 | 4:00pm Virtual Information Session for students/families - register in advance |
April 4 | 5pm Deadline to submit HSDE Online Application to FSU for both Summer and Fall 2025 (ALL NEW AND RETURNING HSDE students). Incomplete applications will be denied. |
April 7 | Online academic advising begins for Summer 2025. |
April 11 | ALL NEW STUDENTS must complete online orientation by 5 pm. |
April 18 | Advising and HSDE course registration for Summer 2025 closes at 5pm. |
July 14 | Fall 2025 students will receive an invitation (at their FSU email address) to schedule their advising meeting with ACE. |
July 28 | Online academic advising begins for Fall 2025. |
August 11 |
Advising and HSDE course registration for Fall 2025 closes at noon. |
What is high school dual enrollment?
High School Dual Enrollment is a coursework acceleration program that allows qualified high school students to begin postsecondary coursework while earning credits toward the high school diploma. Dual Enrollment is established by law (s. 1007.271, F.S.), and Florida State University operates its program in accordance with local articulation agreements. Dual Enrollment is available to local school district, private and charter school, and home school secondary students.
Participation in High School Dual Enrollment has several advantages for students planning to pursue a college degree. It allows qualified students the opportunity to take college classes, free of tuition and fees, while they are still in high school. These students will have access to rigorous postsecondary courses while reducing the time and cost of completing the college degree. However, students taking dual enrollment courses must recognize that dual enrollment course grades will become a permanent part of the college transcript and will be factored into future applications to other colleges and universities. Therefore, dual enrollment students are expected to work closely with the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) faculty and staff for ongoing academic advisement and support.
Who is eligible to dual enroll at FSU?
Florida State University (FSU) invites qualified high school students in the local area to apply for the High School Dual Enrollment (HSDE) program. Students must attend a school with a signed articulation agreement with FSU or be enrolled in a registered home education program in a school district with a signed articulation agreement with FSU. Students in the following schools and districts are eligible:
- Leon County Schools or registered home education program
- Gadsden County Schools or registered home education program
- Wakulla County Schools or registered home education program
- Florida State University Schools
- Robert F. Munroe Day School
- St. John Paul II Catholic High School
- North Florida Christian School
What are the requirements to dual enroll at FSU?
Local High School Students:
- Must attend a Leon, Gadsden, or Wakulla County public school or attend a private school (in Leon, Gadsden, or Wakulla County) that has an articulation agreement with Florida State University; or be registered as a home school student in Leon, Gadsden, or Wakulla County.
- Must have a 3.9 overall weighted high school GPA and no semester grades below C.
- Must have a minimum of 12 graded high school credits by the end of Spring 2025, including:
- 2 English credits
- 2 Mathematics credits, one of which must be Algebra II or higher
- 1 Science credit with lab
- 1 Social Studies credit
- Must have achieved the minimum standardized test score and required subscores on either the ACT, CLT, or SAT before applying.
- ACT Test – 26 or higher Composite Score plus the following subscores:
- Reading subscore of 19 or higher
- English subscore of 19 or higher
- Math subscore of 21 or higher
- CLT Test – 86 or higher Total Score plus the following subscores:
- Verbal Reasoning and Grammar/Writing sections combined score of 38 or higher
- Quantitative Reasoning section of 16 or higher
- SAT Test – 1230 or higher Total Score plus the following subscores:
- Reading and Writing section score of 490 or higher
- Math section score of 480 or higher
- ACT Test – 26 or higher Composite Score plus the following subscores:
- Must meet any course prerequisites as set forth in the University undergraduate catalog, and transcript must show proof of credit for prerequisite course requirements to enroll, if applicable.
- Provide proof of immunizations and health history form.
- Must be free of (or reviewed and cleared by the Office Admissions in light of) any charges of scholastic or behavioral misconduct, violation of the law, or felony charge (details in application).
- A 3.0 FSU GPA is required for students to continue in the High School Dual Enrollment Program at Florida State University.
What is the process for submitting a dual enrollment application?
For students in local approved high schools:
The dual enrollment application process is initiated each semester by meeting with your high school counselor to obtain approval to take courses at FSU, which includes certification of eligible grades and test scores. Once permission is acquired from the school counselor, they will submit an online approval form directly to ACE. The school counselor will then provide the password required for the online student application available on this webpage. Students can then proceed with completing the HSDE online application, which is required every semester. New students must also complete the required health forms (which must be signed by the student, parent/guardian, and doctor) and then upload to the HSDE online application. After the student fills out the online application, an email will be sent to the designated parent/guardian for approval.
Please see the High School Dual Enrollment Student and Family Guide for detailed information on the steps involved with this process. All of the required forms are available at the links below.
For eligible home education students in Leon, Gadsden, and Wakulla County:
The dual enrollment application process is initiated each semester by emailing proof of enrollment in a home education program in Leon, Gadsden, or Wakulla County and a qualifying ACT or SAT score to ace@fsu.edu. You and your parent/guardian must read and sign the Home Education Articulation Agreement and Course Request which is required to submit within the HSDE online application. New students must also complete the required health forms (which must be signed by the student, parent/guardian, and doctor) and then upload to the HSDE online application. Please see the High School Dual Enrollment Student and Family Guide for detailed information on the steps involved with this process. All of the required forms are available at the links below.
HSDE application requirements (new & returning students)
The HSDE online application collects information needed for new and returning students to be enrolled at FSU and requires upload of certain documents that are needed for program eligibility and advising. Prior to completing the application, you must meet with your high school counselor for approval and the application password. Home education students must verify eligibility with ACE to get the application password. Please complete and scan/save the following documents in PDF format before you begin the online application:
- All Students - AP summary score report downloaded from the College Board website (if you have earned a score of 3 or higher on any test)
- New Students - completed and signed health forms (photo files will NOT be accepted)
- Home Education Students - completed and signed Home Education Articulation Agreement and Course Request
- Non-Citizens - documentation regarding residency status
Once all of this information is collected, you may complete the HSDE Online Application. For local high school students, your school counselor will give you the required password. For home education students, you can email ace@fsu.edu with your name, your FSU EMPLID, and your home education school district.
Note: An FSU identification number (EMPLID) is required in the application, so you must get this information before starting the online application. Some applicants may already have an EMPLID from attending FSU Schools (present or past), attending an FSU camp, or working at FSU.
- If a new HSDE student has a prior association with FSU, please check with ACE before creating a new EMPLID! Prior association includes FSU employment, attendance at a camp, and current or prior enrollment at FSU Schools. Contact ACE at ace@fsu.edu or (850) 645-0852 with your full name and date of birth. If you have an existing EMPLID, ACE will provide that information to you.
- All other new students must create their EMPLID prior to completing the application forms. Students will need their Social Security Number and should follow the directions available at this link here.
Students should NOT create an EMPLID without a social security number. If they do, they will not be able to activate their FSUID until they have provided a copy of their social security card in person. Save yourself a trip to campus!
If the student is not a U.S. citizen, leave U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) blank during the online EMPLID creation process and select your country from the list provided. You will be assigned an FSU temporary student ID.
If the student receives an error while attempting to create their EMPLID, contact ACE right away at ace@fsu.edu or (850) 645-0852 so that staff may give guidance on how to resolve.
How will I be advised?
After being accepted to participate in dual enrollment for the term and completing new student orientation (first time only), students will receive an email notice at the FSU email account to schedule a mandatory virtual academic advising appointment with an ACE advisor in order to finalize their classes. If you cannot attend that meeting once it is scheduled, please contact us at ace@fsu.edu or (850) 645-0852.
Students will be registered for classes by ACE after completing the advising appointment. If a change to your schedule becomes necessary after that time, you must contact your academic advisor at ACE. In most cases, a change will require email approval from your school counselor. Home school students will need to complete the Home School Course Adjustment Form and have it signed by a parent/guardian.
HSDE student and family guide (with instructions!)
Please read the High School Dual Enrollment Student and Family Guide for detailed instructions on the steps involved with this application process, plus other essential academic information and campus resources needed during your time at FSU. We have also produced a one-page "To Do" Checklist as a quick summary of the steps in the application and enrollment process.
Required health forms (new students only)
All first-time dual enrollment applicants must submit the Required Health Forms as part of the application materials. Your application will not be considered unless these forms have been submitted by the deadline.
FSU HSDE recommended courses
Dual enrollment students will be encouraged to complete Florida’s 15-hour General Education Core (with guaranteed transfer of requirements met to all Florida public institutions) prior to participating in elective postsecondary coursework. Other courses taken at FSU will transfer as either elective credit toward the bachelor’s degree OR additional credits toward the total 36 hours of General Education coursework if offered as General Education at the receiving institution.
HSDE students may choose from a list of recommended courses, including those that meet state core general education requirements at public institutions in Florida. This list also identifies specific types of courses that are not eligible for dual enrollment. In particular, online courses are not eligible for dual enrollment at FSU. Please note that the courses on this list are not guaranteed to be available, offered in person every semester, or have open seats at the time of registration. For more information about each course, check the course descriptions document below. Optional: You may use the HSDE Course Interest Worksheet to prepare for the guidance counselor meeting.
- HSDE Recommended Course List
- HSDE Detailed Course Descriptions
- HSDE Course Interest Worksheet (optional but may be useful if completed in advance of your school counselor meeting)
Searching for available courses and sections at FSU
Returning students and new students who have already set up the FSUID and login are able to search for available courses using Schedule Assistant, which is a tool within Student Central. For more information, refer to the HSDE Student and Family Guide and watch the video below.
Contact Information
For general questions regarding the information above, you may email us at ace@fsu.edu or call us at (850) 645-0852 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.
If you would like to meet and discuss further, you can reach out to Jack Krebs, the dual enrollment program specialist at jtk21h@fsu.edu.